The Easter Egg Hunt Event! – 11th April 2009
This was a great success helped in no small part by some glorious Spring weather. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves although we underestimated the numbers of people taking part and soon ran out of eggs! More were swiftly sourced and hopefully all theose who went on a hunt got a prize.
Thank you all who geneously donated £93 to the Friend’s funds to allow us to help launch other events.
Great thanks must also go to the members of the VSO exchange program who turned up to help us run our day, Peter May organised this for us and we hope these volunteers will become a regular part of our events in the future.
The Friends would especially like to thank Andrew who the County Parks Officer who was on duty that day in the Discovery Centre. Despite the huge number of people who turned up he kept smiling away.
Generous grant from SCVS

We've received a very generous grant from SCVS here in Swansea. This will allow us to plan a series of events through the year that will hopefully surpass the very succesful open day we held in the the Autumn of 2008.
Donations received from Tesco & Wilkinson – 19th March 2009

We've recently recieved donations from Tesco (Fforestfach) and Wilkinson (Morriston). We used these donation to purchase stock of spring flowering bulbs which were then planted by local school children. These are just beginning to bloom in the recent sunny weather.
Many thanks indeed to the folk at Tesco and Wilkinson.
A large donation from Fujitsu– 20th March 2009

We've received a large donation from Fujitsu Services an IT company based on the enterprise park in Llansamlet. Thanks to their generosity we'll be purchasing a new laptop and printer to enable us to run the website, administer the Friends group and be able to produce advertising for events.
In addition the donation will enable the purchase of educational material for our school visitors and others. This will include birdboxes with web cams and a digital microscope along with pond dipping equipmant and insect hunting apparatus. Many thanks again to Fujitsu and especially Sarah Norman who arranged it all. See the gallery for some images of the cheque presentation.
See some of the recent improvements to the park ›